Year 5 Humanities Trip
Pre-Prep Talks and Assemblies

Exploring the History, Geography and RS of Wallingford

On Friday morning Year 5 went to explore Wallingford as part of their Humanities Topic on Saxons.  As part of the new curriculum introduced at Moulsford this academic year, the boys explore topics in Humanities across History, Geography and RS.

As part of the Geography element, Mr Squire took the boys on a walk around Wallingford, looking at the Saxon ramparts and at the old houses, noting their changes of use over time.  Wallingford was one of 3 Saxon ‘burhs’ mentioned in the Doomsday Book.

Miss Browne took the boys to look at St Mary’s Church, which they sketched.  The boys learnt about the church being the focal point of the town square.

And finally, as part of the History element, Mr Smith took the boys on a walking tour of Wallingford Castle which was one of the original royal residences.

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