Head's Blog: Choosing a Senior School
Head's Blog Prep

Choosing a senior school after Moulsford can be a daunting process. One of my key roles is advising parents on the next step to ensure that their boys thrive and flourish in many different ways.

Having been a Head for over 10 years, I have a wealth of experience of schools in the area and further afield, both day and boarding. Both I and the school also have very close links with senior school Heads and Registrars, as well as regular dialogue with other prep school Heads which all helps inform us of trends and developments in the sector.

Last year we printed a booklet “Choosing a Senior School after Moulsford”. A number of senior schools have since made adjustments to their entry processes in the past year, and so we have now revised this document. We are not reprinting it, but please click here for the updated 2017/18 version. This will be of particular relevance to parents of boys currently in Years 4, 5 & 6. The document will tell you more, but in essence you should be thinking seriously about the process in Year 5, and meeting with me from January of that same year. We plan to hold another Senior Schools Fair in the sports hall during the Autumn Term 2018. This event will give parents an opportunity to chat to staff from up to twenty different senior schools over one evening.



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