Appreciation of School Staff and their Varied Roles
Boarding Staff News

One of the most refreshing aspects of working with children is that they are very straight talking and tell you things as they see them. This can sometimes be an extremely humbling experience. Recently, a father asked his son what Mr Beardmore-Gray did at school. The reply was, “He’s the man who parks the cars”. He might have added, “…..and sometimes not particularly well.” I should also point out that another boy has referred to me as “the Prime Minister” – he was immediately given a House Point.

A central lesson of a Moulsford education is recognising the value of everyone involved in the school, in all the various roles that they play. For example, we constantly remind the boys that, while they may see a lot of the teachers, there is a whole host of other very important staff who work tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure that Moulsford runs smoothly. Expressing our thanks to these members of staff, and respecting the roles they carry out for the benefit of the boys and the success of the school, is key.


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