Life Education Bus
Term Dates

The Life Education Bus

The Life Education Bus has been at Moulsford recently, parked on the terrace outside the Headmaster’s office.

All boys from Reception to Year 6 visited the bus at some point during the week. As part of our PSHE programme, the boys received an age appropriate talk on health and wellbeing.  In case it prompts conversations with your boys, we thought you might like to know the topics discussed, which were as follows:

Reception:  All About Me – understanding the body, and personal hygiene.
Year 1:  My Wonderful Body – understanding where energy comes from, and healthy eating.
Year 2:  Feelings – recognising and naming feelings, understanding bullying.
Year 3:  Meet the Brain – understanding the brain, the effects of drinking and smoking.
Year 4:  It’s Great to be Me! – understanding that everyone is unique and developing self esteem.
Year 5:  Friends – exploring the influence of friends on decision making and practising assertiveness skills.
Year 6:  Cyber Safety – understanding online privacy and safety.

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