Head Boy, Deputy Head and Head of Boarding
Term Dates

New roles and responsibilities

At assembly on Tuesday morning, we announced the appointment of our Head Boy, Deputy Head and Head of Boarding for this term.  Whilst all our Years 8s take on specific roles of responsibility this year, these positions are particularly important in helping with all areas of school life and they will be fantastic role models to the younger boys.  Rufus S is Head Boy, Tom L is Deputy Head Boy and Charlie M is Head of Boarding.

Every boy in the year group has been allocated a specific area of school life, for which they will have particular responsibilities, in order to help develop personal skills and qualities as well as to provide essential assistance in the day-to-day running of the school.  The roles range from helping out with specific departments, such as Music, Art, DT, ICT, Games and Learning Support, to helping with Year 3 and the Pre-Prep, and more generally helping with other areas such as the School Office, the Library and break-time duties.

Their reward?  Apart from the satisfaction of helping others, all Year 8 boys have been given a new tie with diagonal gold stripes and the prefects have a slightly different tie which is red with gold twin stripes.

Well done to all Year 8 boys on an excellent start to term, and we look forward to them all being fantastic role models to the younger boys as the year unfolds.

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