Head's Blog: Senior School Relationships
Head's Blog

Years 6, 7, & 8 boys will be delighted that their exams are out of the way – they celebrated with an excellent lecture on sharks and elephants on Thursday afternoon!

I have had a busy week on the senior schools circuit. On Tuesday I was invited to lunch at Abingdon with Mike Windsor (the new Headmaster) and some of his senior staff. It was also excellent to catch up with a number of old Moles on my visit - there are roughly 60 of them at Abingdon!  Later that day, I attended a Prep Schools' Heads dinner at Radley, which was an excellent opportunity to discuss issues with other Heads and to catch up with Radley staff.

Many of you will remember Dr. Tim Hands who spoke at Prize Giving in the summer - Mrs Clements will certainly not forget his speech! Dr Hands is now the Headmaster of Winchester College, and on Wednesday he held a dinner in the wonderful medieval surroundings of College Hall. This was my first visit to Winchester for a long time, and both he and I are very keen to forge links between our two schools. On Thursday evening, I was at Reading Blue Coat for a dinner and much enjoyed meeting their new Headmaster, Jesse Elzinga, and other key staff.


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