Remembrance Day Service

Remembrance Day Service

A poignant and moving Remembrance Day service was held in the theatre, this year led by Year 8 boys.  Attended by the whole school, this act of Remembrance clearly struck a chord with both boys and staff. 

With the help of slides, Archie and Hylton explained what Remembrance Day is all about, describing what conditions were like in the trenches of World War 1.  The boys also talked about our local war memorials, and the men that are named on them who were lost from our surrounding towns and villages. 

Oscar sang a solo, which was a setting of the poem ‘In Flanders Fields’, the junior choir sang ‘The Last Kiss Goodbye’, and the senior choir sang ‘You Are Not Alone’.  Three senior trumpeters, Nickleby, Oliver and Ed, gave a very moving performance of ‘The Last Post’.  Our Head boy, Mason, closed with the prayers and led us into the final hymn ‘God is Our Strength and Refuge’.

We particularly remembered those that fell in the Battle of the Somme one hundred years ago, and the red poppies that covered those battle fields, resulting in the poppy becoming the symbol of Remembrance Day.

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