Year 3 and Year 7 buddies
The Year 3 and 7 buddy system has seen the boys paired up with boys from the same house this year. The boys meet on Friday mornings and have a task or activity to complete together. So far this term the Year 7 boys have shown the Year 3's where their locker is and how to use it to store their games and PE kit, done some reading with their buddies, and helped them write a match report following their first fixtures in the Prep School. The boys also completed the French Language day treasure hunt with their buddy, showed each other their Arts Week projects and towards the end of the first half term the boys had lunch with their buddy. During the lunch there was a lovely atmosphere with lots of smiles and laughs. During this half term, Year 7 boys will continue to listen to their buddy read but the main focus will be on helping the Year 3 boys learn their lines and dance routines for the Year 3 Christmas performance!