Head's Blog: Publication of our Inspection Report | News | Moulsford Prep School
Head's Blog

Parents will remember that the School underwent a full inspection from the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) in the week beginning 7th March, and I am delighted to attach our final Inspection Report, received very recently from ISI.

In summary, the School was awarded the highest possible grades in all categories. Thank you to the whole Moulsford community - staff, boys, parents and Governors - for the part you all played in achieving this super result. ISI informed us that the parent questionnaires were extremely complimentary about the school, and we are very grateful to all parents for your support for the school.

A reminder that our inspection was divided into two distinct aspects: Regulatory Compliance and Educational Quality.

Outcomes for Regulatory Compliance are binary and schools are either ‘compliant’ or ‘not compliant’. We were Compliant, which is the highest ‘grading’ we could have achieved. The wording for this section is formulaic and standard for all ISI reports (assuming schools are compliant), and so this section of our report does not make for especially exciting reading.

Judgements for Educational Quality are more descriptive and the possible grades are: Excellent, Good, Sound or Unsatisfactory. We were awarded ‘Excellent’ in all categories.

There is one recommendation for the School, which is:

‘The school should make the following improvement:

  • enable pupils to develop further their understanding of those who are different from themselves through opportunities to experience, learn and discuss matters regarding diversity and inclusion.’

We welcome this recommendation and will be exploring ways in which we can develop this very important area of school life.

The ISI Inspection process is very thorough, and the inspection week itself was extremely intense. While the inspectors are making their judgements on what they saw during the week, preparation for inspection is a continual process over several years. We are equally aware that the ISI report represents a snapshot in time, and while the school welcomes the findings, there is no room for complacency, and we are already preparing for the next inspection.

Particular thanks to the whole Moulsford staff for all their hard work, which has been pivotal to this excellent result.

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