Head's Blog: Pre-Prep and the older boys
Head's Blog

The new Pre-Prep continues to take shape and remains firmly on track to open in September 2022. The final roof sections of the main hall, which connects the two classroom wings, have been hoisted into place and the roof tilers are hard at work. Please click here for a photo, taken today, of the interior of the hall. This is such an exciting project, which of course will come fully to life when young children fill the classrooms and playground.

When the Pre-Prep moves over the road, one aspect which we are very mindful of in our planning is the importance of ensuring that Moulsford’s whole school ethos remains very firmly intact. Maintaining this sense of one community is so important to us for many reasons, but primarily because the boys benefit so much from the sense of belonging and shared experience. This is particularly demonstrated by the strong links forged between the older and younger boys in the school.  Nowhere is this more evident than between the Year 8 and the Bobcats (Reception) classes.

The most recent example of this was a wonderful Bobcat Bear Hunt devised by Bertie W (8W) this week. The Bobcats went looking for bears on the playing fields, and towards the end of their adventure came across two ‘real’ bears, hiding in the bushes, in the form of Ollie N and Theo T (both 8M), who had raided the costume cupboard to get into character. You can imagine the Bobcats’ excitement, and their afternoon ended with Bertie W reading Michael Rosen’s  ‘We’re going on a Bear Hunt’ to the boys.

At the end of last term, Monty D (8W) led the creation of a collaborative 8W Nativity script, which the 8W boys then performed to their neighbouring class, the Bobcats. This, again, was such a special event, with all the boys involved gaining so much from the experience. Please click here to see a photo from the performance. We’re determined to ensure that these very strong and important links between the younger and older boys continue throughout the school from September 2022.


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