Welcome to Boarding

Boarding in a Nutshell

This term we have a lot of first time Boarders in the Boarding House, including nine of the younger boys from Years 5 and 6. Here George JB from Year 6 gives us his thoughts on what it is like to join the Boarding House…..

Before I walked into the boarding house I was nervous, I was nervous that it would just be too big a change, or I would feel homesick. But as soon as I walked in it felt normal, because everybody treated me as if I had been there for years. It was just the occasional “Hey George,” that really helped, it helped me settle in a lot.  And I previously thought that boarding was about staying up late and pillow fights, but it really isn’t. And I don’t mean that in a boring way but if you wake up the dorm early, good luck…

Personally my favourite thing about boarding is the extracurricular and the way that you bond with the staff, because you don’t get to really speak to staff so much outside of lessons, apart from games. The Year 8s are a big influence, because all of them are such nice people, and when you’re older, people who are 22 are friends with people who are 24. So it’s nice to really connect with each other.

The best thing for everyone in the house is opening up massive varieties of different characters, and yes it does sound cheesy but helps you find out what type of person you like and what type you don’t.

And these are just some of the reasons that I’m proud to be part of the Moulsford Prep Boarding community.

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