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Whole School Pastoral

Boys return to school

Monday 8th March was a landmark day as all the boys returned to Moulsford after a three-month hiatus. It was simply fantastic to have the school full of noise and excitement once again.

The weather was kind to us as roughly 370 pupils were dropped off at school, with huge smiles on the faces of parents, staff and boys alike. It really felt like the first day of term!

Following Virtual Moulsford we felt a complete day of 'digital detox' was important whilst at the same time giving the boys time to reconnect with friends and staff. Therefore the whole school went 'off timetable' for Monday morning and had the opportunity to play outside within their bubbles. This ranged from organised games of rounders, football and capture the flag, to stick den building and playing on the playground. Year 4 even went for a muddy ‘walk and talk’ along the river.

The boys also had some form time in which to talk through their experiences over the last few months and discuss what they may be a little anxious about and what they were looking forward to while back at school. Some creative activities also took place with boys making dream catchers, and cards of thanks amongst other things.

With a Games afternoon for all the boys as well, this led to some boys describing it as 'the best day at school ever!'. 

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