Head's Blog: The Return to School
Head's Blog Virtual Moulsford

With the prospect of all boys returning to school shortly, and the glorious spring-like weather, there is a real buzz and sense of excitement in the air at Moulsford.  The Prime Minister’s announcement on Monday has definitely provided some much-needed light at the end of the COVID-19 tunnel, and we are very much looking forward to getting the slow return to normality underway.

In the ‘Week Ahead’ newsletter sent out earlier today, you will have received a document entitled ‘Planning for a Full and Safe Return to Moulsford’ on Monday 8th March.  Our aim is to reassure you that we will not only be ready to receive your boys, but that the remainder of the Spring term will be managed in as safe a way as possible to protect the whole Moulsford community.  While we do all need positivity and optimism, it is also very important that we remember we are still in a national lockdown.  It is only down to the fact that the Government has, quite rightly, prioritised schools and education, that we are able to resume school life, albeit altered for the circumstances.

Much of the Government guidance in the new ‘roadmap’ is unchanged, and simply re-emphasises the need for us all to play our part in reducing the risk of COVID-19 transmission, by continuing to socially distance and practise strict hand and respiratory hygiene.  However, there are a couple of notable additions or extensions to previous guidance.

The first is the recommended wearing of masks for all secondary school age pupils, which in Moulsford’s case applies to Year 7 and 8 boys, at all times when indoors including in the classroom, where it is not possible to socially distance.  This is also the case for staff, including when they are teaching.

The second is asymptomatic testing for this same group of boys, as well as staff, three times initially in the first week, and then twice weekly thereafter.

Details of both these new recommendations are set out in the full planning document.  It is worth highlighting that neither of these are compulsory, even though they are strongly encouraged by the Government.

We will remain focussed on delivering Virtual Moulsford to your boys next week, and very much look forward to welcoming them back in person to school on 8th March.  In the meantime, you and your boys might enjoy exploring our new 3D Virtual Reality tour of the school, launched today.  We hope it builds excitement and anticipation for the boys' imminent return to the classroom!


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