Games and PE at Virtual Moulsford
Virtual Moulsford Sport

Live sessions a big hit

This lockdown we have gone “live” with our daily Games sessions. We have been really impressed by the boys’ energy and enthusiasm with this new approach. It’s been great to see them sweating from their hard work as they are put through their paces in HIIT, a high-intensity cardio and endurance workout; boxercise, engaging the boys' co-ordination and movement skills; circuit training, using bodyweight to build strength and stamina; and yoga, a chance to dial the intensity back and reclaim some much needed Zen.

During the summer term, it was much easier to be active with the sunshine making it appealing to be outdoors. Now that it is cold, wet and dark it is less inviting, but no less important. The links between physical exercise and mental, social and physical wellbeing are overwhelming. Everyone will need to overcome his or her own different challenges during this turbulent time. Therefore, anything we can do to stay positive and keep both the mind and body in a healthy place the better.

I feel it is also important to say that these sessions are not just for the boys. It has been great to see siblings and other family members getting involved.

Stay safe, stay active and stay classy Moulsford!

Mr Springer – Director of Sport

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