As we enter half-term, it is important that we reflect on a very positive six weeks. It has been so good to have everyone back at Moulsford after the extraordinary period of lockdown, and the boys deserve a huge amount of praise for both how well they have settled back into school, and for embracing the new routines and systems in operation at Moulsford this term.
Our primary aims for the second half of term are to uphold the highest possible degree of safety within the Moulsford community, and to keep boys in school, giving them an excellent educational experience. As we enter November, the nights will draw in and there will no doubt be a change in the weather. The national Covid situation also appears to have moved up a gear, and I imagine that this may create additional uncertainty and angst for many Moulsford families. We will aim to keep things as normal as we can for your boys.
The additional space afforded by the marquee has been incredibly useful and over half term we will be upgrading it to give us further flexibility. By laying a floor and carpet, adding a lining, and installing lighting, we are able to create a dining space (in half of the marquee) for two year groups, complete with a servery, which effectively replicates the main dining hall. This will both enhance and normalise the boys’ lunchtime experience. We are extremely grateful to the Parents’ Association (PA) who have made a very significant contribution towards the purchase and kitting out of the marquee. This is a fantastic example of the school and parents working closely together in these difficult times for the benefit of the boys, and is so typical of the Moulsford community. Thank you also to the PA for organising an excellent Quiz Night which was really well attended with thirty teams competing.
Your patience in the car park has been greatly appreciated by all of us at Moulsford. We do understand that it is difficult for you as parents to drop your boys off and have limited daily contact with the school. Over the break we will install additional lighting to ensure these outside areas are very well lit. A particular thank you to Sam Saunders, George Wilder and Jamie Blackwell who have done sterling work in overseeing the safe drop off and collection of your boys, come rain or shine.
At our Virtual Assembly yesterday, Mr Hamilton-Smith said farewell to one of our Junior Teaching Assistants, Tom Beardmore-Gray, who heads (hopefully) to the Alps for six months from 1st November. I believe there may have been some confusion amongst the younger boys who thought that I may be departing for the ski slopes. While an extended sabbatical in the mountains holds a certain level of appeal at present, parents, boys and staff should know that I have no plans to leave South Oxfordshire in the immediate future!
I do hope that you are all able to have an enjoyable and restful break.