Head's Blog: Arts Week
Head's Blog

At this time of year, we would normally be gearing up for Arts Week, which takes place immediately prior to Half Term. This year is of course slightly different, and while next week will still have an Arts focus, events are taking place across the whole term.

It has been super to see your boys’ Hexagon art designs coming into school, showcasing the diverse and creative ways in which ideas can be expressed. In previous years, these projects have been exhibited in the Sports Hall for all to view, but this year Mrs. Cummings (Head of Art) will be creating a webpage so all of you can see the collective end product.

Mrs. Lunnon’s Pop Vocals Concert will be recorded next week and a link will be sent for parents and boys to tune into. The Year 5 play has been rescheduled to the end of this term. Mr. Edwards and Miss. Ringelberg have adjusted the Year 5 production from a full scale musical (unfortunately very limited group singing is permitted), and the boys are now looking forward to putting on an adaptation of Roald Dahl’s Revolting Rhymes. This will now be performed in December.

The Autumn term wouldn’t be the same without Mr. Hamilton-Smith’s pantomime, and his cast are gearing up for multiple social distanced performances to entertain the troops in the final days of term. The Pre-Prep Nativity, Year 3 Christmas Play, Year 4 Christmas Concert and the Carol Service (Years 5 to 8) are all highlights of the school year, and all these events will take place in slightly different formats this term. We understand the disappointment parents will feel in being unable to witness their boys’ milestone events. We will do our best to put on as many productions as possible, and will make recordings for all to see.


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