Head's Blog: Creativity in action
Head's Blog

It has been extraordinary to see the creativity unleashed as a result of the pandemic, as we all adjust to new ways of working and living. This has been very evident at Moulsford and we have discovered new and exciting ways to teach and run the school. We have been forced to find solutions to any number of issues, and it has been a privilege to work with staff (and boys) who have unwaveringly looked for the positives in a very challenging situation.

Creativity is contagious and I have been so impressed to see how the Moulsford staff have embraced this. One excellent example is Year 8 History (8M & 8R) taught by Mr. Smith (Head of History). These classes are currently focussing on the American Revolution, and those of you fortunate enough to have seen the West End musical, Hamilton, will know that the story gives a narrative of this key historical event. The music from the show is also very accessible to your sons’ generation. Indeed, I know of a recent Old Mole who knew the lyrics to the whole show!

Mr. Smith has woven the story and songs of Hamilton into his History syllabus so that the boys rap, listen and learn their way through American History. The class analyses the lyrics for historical content while the music engages and draws the boys into the topic giving opportunities for rap battles, to become the main characters, learn how duels worked, and altogether approach History in a different way. For those of you who would like to listen to some Hamilton tracks and learn about the origins of American independence at the same time, click here.

I am delighted to announce that Moulsford has been nominated for the Prep School of the Year Award in the Tatler Schools Awards 2020.  We heard from Tatler’s Education Editor yesterday, coinciding with their online announcement of all award categories and nominees.  There is a group of five nominees, the others in our Prep School category being Cottesmore, Sunningdale, The Elms and Thomas’s Battersea. Please click here to see a full list of all categories. Sadly their annual Awards event in London, when they normally announce the overall winners of each category, will not be happening for obvious reasons.  However, they are hosting a special online event instead on Tuesday 6th October at 6.00pm, with a video announcement hosted on Tatler Schools's IGTV.  Anyone is welcome to join the online event. Well done and many congratulations to the whole Moulsford community. 


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