Head's Blog: Creativity and resilience
Head's Blog Virtual Moulsford

The enforced closure of the school and subsequent creation of ‘Virtual Moulsford’ has not been without its challenges, but one of the biggest positives is the resilience, hard work and creativity shown by staff and boys.  Some of the work coming into school has been outstanding and it has been fantastic for me to award so many Headmaster’s Commendations over the last half term.

At Moulsford, we have talked for a long time about the need to move away from rote learning and this period of virtual learning is providing us with the chance to allow more freedom and creativity in the boys’ work.  The core skills are still very much being taught but there is also an increase in original thinking.  The recently launched Super Curriculum has come into its own, sparking the boys’ curiosity and allowing them the chance to learn and research independently across all of their subjects.
The last few months have also seen parents help to teach the boys more soft skills at home.  We have seen evidence of boys learning how to test the pressure on car tyres, mowing the lawn, planting vegetables, putting up tents, feeding farm animals and of course a lot of cooking and baking!
The expression ‘thinking outside the box’ is sometimes over-used but never has it been more appropriate and there are some exciting plans afoot for next half term, including the possibility of a large virtual community event.  It is going to take some creativity to pull it off, but that is something I think we are all getting better at, so watch this space.
Wednesday was ‘Thank a Teacher Day’ and lots of the boys surprised their teachers with virtual thank you cards and videos.  I would like to add my thanks to all of the Moulsford staff who continue to show passion, dedication and creativity.  Have a fantastic half term break.


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