Moulsford's Got Talent 2024

Raising money for Mary’s Meals

Moulsford’s Got Talent 2024 took place last Friday despite moving into the marquee due to the continuation of a cold and wet June! However, the change of venue didn’t dampen spirits and once again, it was a fantastically entertaining event. We were treated to an eclectic selection of acts performed by some very talented boys from Years 5 to 8 who between them showed off their musical talents, magic tricks, comedy, diabolo skills and DJ flair. We had a panel of judges featuring Director of Music Mrs Braden, Mr Goff, Mr Hamilton-Smith and guest judge Old Mole Stevie Rankin who left in 2018.

We are very grateful to all of the finalists for their efforts in preparing their acts so well and giving us all a treat! The winners in each year group were as follows:

Year 5 – The 5 5ers

Year 6 – Freddie G

Year 7 – Jude H

Year 8 – Theo H

Our overall winner this year was Jude H, who gave us a fabulous vocal performance of, very aptly, ‘Hey Jude’ by the Beatles.

Once again the Showstopper Round of the Moulsford Cake Off formed part of MGT with nine incredible looking cakes. The winners of each year group were:

Year 4 – Jonty R

Year 5 – William S

Year 6 – Austin T

Austin T was crowned the overall winner and his Showstopper Cake was then auctioned off, along with the other winners, raising £600. Huge thanks to Jonty Hearnden for running our Showstopper Auction, he did a terrific job persuading the audience to part with their cash in support of Mary’s Meals.

The whole event was raising money for our school charity Mary’s Meals and we were delighted to have a representative from the charity with us on the night. Sue Richards helped us to remember what the evening was all about and we are grateful that she gave up her time to come and thank the Moulsford Community for our/their fundraising efforts.

Continuing his leadership of the staff dance troupe Monstrosity was Head of Science Mr English, who led from the front in a routine to You Can’t Stop the Beat from Hairspray. Once again it was fantastic to see the staff coming together and showing us their finest moves! You can watch the video here if you missed it!

Special thanks go to the host of the evening James Haigh for his enthusiasm and entertaining commentary. The evening ran very smoothly and we appreciate him giving up his time.

Thank you, as ever, to everyone, without whose support events like this simply wouldn’t happen. From boys to staff and parents, both past and present, it really was a joint effort and another huge success.

See you all again next year!

For a gallery of images from the night, please click here.

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