Moulsford Mudder 2018 and Paddle Board Building Workshop

Magnificent Mud, Luscious Lemonade, Delicious Delicacies and an ingenious way to recycle plastic bottles!

A hugely enjoyable morning was had by all at the 4th Moulsford Mudder supporting our school charities “Mary’s Meals” and “The Whale Company”. With the lack of rain in the preceding week, we were a little concerned about how muddy the course would be… our concerns were short-lived, which the photos surely testify to.

Over 150 boys (and some sisters!) took part this year and starting off with “Gooey Shoes”, the course was soon turned into a quagmire of mud with the children (and Mr Beardmore-Gray and Mr Watson) getting terrifically muddy from head to toe and going back for more, completing the course again and again and again! This year many boys were completely unrecognisable; such was their muddiness by the time they had finished. We have some official pictures taken by staff on the day which you can view on the school Flickr album below, but if you would like to share some of the images that you took; it would be great if you could send them to [email protected].

Of course after all their exertions on the Mudder course the boys needed replenishment and there was a plentiful supply provided by some hard-working boys in Year 6 and 7. We had flapjacks made by Andrew and Danny T and brownies made by Harry S and for the third successful year, George’s Marvellous Lemonade was back, made by George M, with some help from family and friends as well. Our huge thanks go to all these boys for their brilliant efforts in helping us raise even more funds for our school charities. Your continued support is, as ever, invaluable and we are incredibly grateful. Thank you.

After all the muddy exertions, we were thrilled to welcome back Carolyn and Carlos from The Whale Company to Moulsford. They ran a paddle board building workshop after The Moulsford Mudder and, with great enthusiasm from the boys, we were able to start to put together the first of the Moulsford Paddle Board Fleet, made completely from recycled plastic bottles.

These bottles would have otherwise been added to the ever growing pile of one-use plastic bottles and it was brilliant to be able to learn how to put them to a much better use, that many of the Moulsford boys will benefit from in the future. Very kindly, Carolyn and Carlos had brought with them a couple of plastic bottle paddle boards that they have already made and a couple of the boys were able to take them on the river, demonstrating how very stable and sturdy the boards are.

Plans are already afoot for Carolyn and Carlos to return in the Spring term to run some more workshops and we will be sure to let you know when they will be taking place as soon as a date has been set. We would like to take the opportunity to thank the Moulsford Community for supporting our endeavours to protect the environment and make the world a better place for us all to live in.

Students and adults are having food after the 4th Moulsford Mudder

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