Pre-Prep Awards Ceremony and Sports Day
Boarding Extra Curricular

A sunny celebration of Pre-Prep Achievements and Sporting fun

The Pre-Prep Awards ceremony took an alternative approach this year. The staff and the boys understand that being part of the Pre-Prep is so much more than just the lessons that are seen on the timetable. The experiences, learning, fun and laughter that are shared between every member of the department are building blocks for every boy. The children are at the heart of the Pre-Prep and the values that we support and instil in them are at the centre of their daily life. Therefore, we chose to acknowledge the following five core values within our boys: Endeavour, Humility, Enjoyment, Resilience and Teamwork. It was wonderful to celebrate the boys’ achievements and the ceremony was a fitting start to a wonderful Sports Day.

Preparatory school students receiving awards during a special ceremony, acknowledging their accomplishments and efforts in various areas

The glorious sunshine on Friday contributed to the wonderful atmosphere of this year’s Sports Day.  The track and field events were underway by 11.15am, with each house giving their all in an atmosphere of competitive teamwork.  The tented village of gazebos provided welcome shade during the lunch break, and an impressive array of picnic dishes were shared and enjoyed amongst the Moulsford community.

The year group relay races followed, and finally the hotly contested tug of war, when cheerful competitive spirit reached its climax, with Drake taking the final bow.  The overall winner, winning the much coveted House trophy, was Bering.

Huge thanks go to Mr Springer and Mr Griffiths for organising such a superb event.  It was wonderful to see every boy in the school contributing so wholeheartedly for their house, in a fantastic atmosphere of effort, reward and, above all, cheerful participation.

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