Ed and Will W cycled ‘Coast 2 Coast’ in Half Term
When Ed and Will W from Year 5 first came and spoke to our Charities Coordinator, Mrs Lancaster, September 2017 about completing the Coast 2 Coast challenge in the summer half-term, she was very impressed by their enthusiasm and energy. The boys had done lots of cycling before but nothing on this kind of scale. They both said that they would like to support our school charity Hearing Dogs for Deaf People, showing an awareness and thoughtfulness for those less fortunate than us. We are hugely proud of their achievements, it was no easy task and to have completed the challenge at 10 years old shows brilliant resilience and determination.
For a first-hand account, please see below:
On Monday 28th May we started out from Whitehaven to complete the COAST 2 COAST over 5 days. We covered 140 miles and at one point had to climb a 9km hill. We cycled the longest distances on the first and fifth days and we felt very tired but the weather was amazing and this really helped to keep us in good spirits. When we finished we were so happy and proud of what we had achieved. We set up a Just Giving page to raise money for Hearing Dogs for Deaf People and so far we have raised just over £400. If you would like to support our fundraising efforts, our Just Giving page will remain open for the rest of this term, please follow this link:- https://www.justgiving.com/Edward-and-William-Withers.