ISGA Junior Stableford Competition
On Monday 21st May two Moulsford boys, Jack P and Milo G, took part in the Independent Schools Golf Association Junior Stableford competition at Sunningdale Heath. The day started with a bright and early departure from Moulsford with weather indications predicting a wet and blustery afternoon to follow. However, this did not seem to faze the boys who eagerly awaited their respective tee off times and chatted tactics and tested each other on their knowledge of the rules and regulations of the game. Our arrival, slightly earlier than expected, allowed the boys to mingle and warm up before the day’s events officially kicked off. After the formalities were completed, the boys quickly hurried off to their respective tee boxes. The 9am siren echoed around the course and the first ping of the morning was heard as golf ball and driver collided to the cheers of the other competitors.
Sunningdale Heath proved to be a perfect course, with short, challenging holes which allowed the boys to attack them, but also meant they paid the price if their shot went astray and they were forced to play out of thick rough heather. Both boys played extremely well and it was evident that they had the composure to play competitive golf, but also the level-headedness to learn from their experiences on previous holes and apply this to the next.
At the end of the day’s play, the competitors were treated to a feast of sandwiches and cakes. As the results came in with Milo shooting 38 points and Jack shooting 33. This meant that with a combined total of 71 points Moulsford Prep came an extremely respectable 6th overall.
It must be said that the manner in which our boys played, in which they showed courtesy, sportsmanship and a respect for the game made them shine above the rest. It was a great day out and the boys can be commended on their fine performances.