Toby O, in Year 2, raises a staggering amount for Macmillan Cancer Support
Charity Extra Curricular

Toby completes 12K Children’s Challenge on Exmoor

Toby O took part in The Children’s Challenge in Exmoor last Saturday.  He took on the 12K walk to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support.

The Children's Challenge was set up to organise testing but extremely rewarding events for children, challenging enough to warrant sponsorship.  There were several teams competing different challenges over the weekend but 12 kilometres (with a 1 kilometre climb) for a 6 year-old is no mean feat! 

Toby wanted to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support, who gave his Mummy excellent support last year during her fight against breast cancer.  Toby (and his Daddy) set out to raise £250 but their total is currently a staggering £11,000!

The walk was a real challenge with some very steep uphill and downhill stretches to negotiate and there were numerous streams to cross too.  Toby coped really well but found some of the steep descents with loose stones tricky but he particularly enjoyed the 900 metre ascent up to the Dunkery Beacon Cairn. 

Although the challenge was not a race, Toby noticed at the final 8K check point that he and his Daddy were the first team through and at this point his competitive streak kicked in and he wanted to hold pole position so he hit the accelerator and ran / jogged / speed walked the final 4K, finishing in 3 hours 50 minutes.

Well done Toby, everyone is very proud of you!

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