Barking Mad Mrs Betts completes the London Marathon

New Guinness World Record – Fastest Woman in a Full Body Animal Costume

Our very own Mrs Betts completed the London Marathon at the weekend dressed from head to toe as a dog and now holds the Guinness World Record for ‘Fastest Woman in a Full Body Animal Costume’.

Mrs Betts wanted to run the London Marathon for our school charity, Hearing Dogs for Deaf People, but the bar was raised when she agreed to the boys’ idea of running it in a full dog costume.  On the hottest Marathon day on record, Mrs Betts certainly felt the heat but crossed the finish line in an impressive 4 hours 13 minutes.  She was even interviewed on camera by Gaby Logan! 

Fiona Betts, an interviewee, sharing insights and knowledge with the audience, contributing to an enriching educational experience

Hearing Dogs for Deaf People train dogs to alert deaf people to important sounds and danger signals, providing life changing levels of independence and confidence. Their dogs also help reduce the feelings of isolation and loneliness that deafness can bring.

Mrs Betts would like to thank all of her friends, family, colleagues and parents for their support and generous donations.  Her total currently stands at over £3,000.

What an amazing achievement!

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