Tom’s ‘Moel Famau’ Challenge

Great fundraising effort from Tom

We are hugely grateful to Tom (Year 7) and his family for supporting Hearing Dogs for Deaf People. Tom did complete his challenge to run up Moel Famau, over the half term break. What an achievement, Tom, you have done us all proud with your tremendous efforts.

Here is Tom’s report:

On Sunday 11th February I attempted to run up a mountain in Wales to support Hearing Dogs for Deaf People, my school charity. It was a cold harsh day and I would be running up the mountain. When I got out of the warm car, the weather conditions got to me fast and I was getting cold so I was eager to get going. I started very well and was feeling good coming up to the halfway mark but suddenly that changed because hail came down stronger than I had ever seen it. Now I was past halfway and I could see the top I wasn’t going to stop. I pulled my hood over my hat to try and shield myself from the stinging and soldiered on. A few minutes later I found myself on the last stretch, which was by far the hardest bit… but the finish line was in touching distance and the hail had cleared up which made it easier to climb the last brutal bit. With a huge push I finished the challenge! I was very pleased at the top of the mountain because I had completed something I’ve wanted to do since I joined a running club 3 years ago. I would like to say a big thank you to all the people who supported me, your money is going to a good cause!

If you would still like to support Hearing Dogs, Tom’s Just Giving page will remain open for the rest of this term, please follow this link:-

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