Cake Sale Donations to local Nursing and Care Homes

Moulsford’s own ‘Cake Delivery Service’

Last Friday, a charity tray bake sale was held to sell off the fabulous cakes made for the Boys’ Cake Off and raise funds for the school charities, Hearing Dogs for Deaf People and GAWPT

Although many were sold to parents, the Knight family very kindly offered to deliver the remaining cakes to local nursing and care homes, to ensure that none went to waste.

The "Moulsford Cake Delivery Service" stopped first at The Old Vicarage Nursing and Dementia Care Home in Moulsford.  They were very welcoming and pleased with their selection of the boys’ cakes.  

Next stop was the Sue Ryder Hospice where they met the Head of Clinical Services who said she would put an article about the cakes from Moulsford in their next newsletter. The nurses and patients were extremely appreciative of all their cakes and a nice lady who was passing gave the boys a £5 contribution to put towards the relevant charities.  

The last stop was at Rush Court and they were also very happy with their selection of cakes.  

It is fantastic to think how many people have benefited from the Moulsford Cake off and enjoyed the samples!  Thank you very much to the Knights for taking the time to act as the "Moulsford Cake Delivery Service".

Two students and an adult presenting their cakes for Moulsford Cake Delivery Service

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