Head's Blog: A Taste of Africa
Head's Blog

This term we have one major parent social event. This is “A Taste of Africa” which takes place at Henley Rugby Club on Friday 2nd March at 7.30pm. This promises to be a really excellent event, with a wine tasting hosted by Nick Taylor, who is the Group Buying Director at Direct Wines and General Manager at Averys of Bristol; entertainment from Kwa-Zulu Natal and some fabulous auction prizes.  The evening is open to the whole Moulsford community and I do hope that many of you are able to join us for what I am sure will be another great Moulsford night.

So far the event has sold 100 tickets, but we have capacity for more guests. The event organisers need to finalise numbers with Henley RFC as soon as possible, so please could I encourage you to purchase tickets straightaway if you would like to attend. For details of how to do so, please check the Week Ahead. You can either buy individual tickets, or take a group - the organisers can ensure that you are sitting together. All funds raised from this evening will go to the two charities associated with the South Africa Rugby Tour 2018, SKRUM and the Goedgedacht Trust. My thanks to the event committee who have been working extremely hard to ensure that this will be a fantastic evening.  In particular, it would be wonderful to have support from those parents whose boys are going on the tour this summer.



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