Paddling the length of the Thames
Sixty-five of the South Africa Tourists enjoyed a wonderful hour on the river during Moulsfest last Saturday. The Year 7 and 8 boys who are going on the South Africa Tour 2018 had been set the challenge to work as a team, to paddle together, to cover a combined total distance of 147 miles - the length of the non-tidal Thames. Each boy was asked to raise money through sponsorship to help reduce the cost of the SA Tour.
The boys paddled roughly two miles each. Some of the boys in kayaks did a little more to help those boys who were in kata-kanoes and canoes, who were naturally a little slower. With Mr Symonds and myself also paddling, and a few of the boys doing extra laps of the island, we managed to reach the magic figure of 147 miles just before 6pm.
It was great to see so many of the boys getting involved and we hope they will remember the experience and will go on to raise money for the SA Tour. It is always good for the boys to be genuinely active and involved in the fund raising for their tour.
Well done to all those involved. A big thank you to Mrs Clements, Mr Watson and Mrs Betts for driving the rescue boat and to Mr Symonds for all his patience and paddling.
Mark Griffiths