With three weeks of term under our belt, we have an opportunity to reflect on the changes which have been introduced this term to both the curriculum and the structure of the day. I have regularly sounded out boys for their views, and the response has been overwhelmingly positive, together with some sensible suggestions as to how we could tweak things further. The boys particularly appreciate the longer lunch break, and have seen the benefits of hour long lessons, during which a lot of work can be covered, and there is less movement around the school. Both these factors have combined to make the school a calmer environment for both boys and staff.
The boys also appear to be getting great enjoyment and benefit from the additional range of after-school activities which are on offer. One caveat to this is that it can be extremely tempting for boys (and parents) to sign up for activities on every evening, simply because options are available. Mr Symonds will shortly be sending out details of activities for the second half of term. When making choices, please take into account that boys (particularly those in Year 4 and below) will get extremely tired if they have too much going on into the early evening. This is especially the case as we enter a very busy second half of term when the nights draw in and the lead up to the Christmas events begins.