Mini Football Tour to Surrey

A great start to the season

The 1st XI and Colts A squads enjoyed excellent starts to their football season with an early season mini-tour to Surrey. We travelled down to play against Edgeborough on Friday afternoon, with the 1st XI victorious 5-2 and the Colts having an excellent game, which resulted in a 2-2 draw.

After an overnight stay at Edgeborough's boarding house and much fun with swimming and a lovely barbeque, it was on to the annual Hall Grove tournament. The 1st XI had some tough opposition, but gained some valuable experience of playing as a team. For many of them it was their first introduction to playing the 11-a-side game. The Colts competed very well throughout and credit goes to them for ultimately winning the tournament.

The boys represented the school superbly throughout, both on and off the pitch and it was a great way to get the season, and the school year, underway.

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