Stowe Putter Prep Schools' Golf Competition

Harry G, Edward B, Jack P and Jake B-G all travelled to Stowe School on 23rd August for the annual Prep Schools’ Golf Competition, the Stowe Putter.  The boys played a stableford competition over two rounds of the beautiful 9-hole course.  The boys had a fabulous day and particular congratulations go to Jack P who came third in the U13 competition.

The Stowe Putter is the oldest Prep School golf competition in the UK, and as 2017 marked the Golden Anniversary of the competition, Stowe invited Bernard Gallagher OBE to be Guest of Honour. Bernard played in eight Ryder Cups and was non-playing captain of the European Ryder Cup team in 1991, 1993 and 1995. When the European team famously won the Ryder Cup in 1995 at Oak Hill on American soil, Bernard was captain.

Following a fabulous sunny day out on the stunning course, Bernard offered golfing words of wisdom to the assembled boys, girls and parents.  He placed particular emphasis on playing fairly, practising the ‘short’ game and the benefits of having regular golf lessons with a professional, but above all, having fun!

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