Cross Country Success at Chandlings

Cross Country at Chandlings

On Tuesday, boys from Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 travelled to Chandlings to compete in their annual cross country competition. It was an unusually warm day for this time of year, which was a nice surprise to competitors and spectators alike. All of the boys showed a great amount of effort, racing against  about 120 competitors in each race.  Whilst all boys gave it their all there were a few stand out results. In Year 5 Sam W came third, very nearly taking the gold. In Year 3 Rory W showed great stamina to run an impressive race coming 1st and Freddie C also impressed, coming 3rd. This result, helped by the rest of the Year 3 Team, meant these boys finished as U8 Team Champions.

A great start to the cross country season. Roll on the next competition.

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