Music for our Juniors

Music for the Juniors

It has been fabulous to see and hear the progress of music and singing among the juniors this term, under the expert and enthusiastic tutelage of Miss Moore and Mr Bissell.  The Junior Choir sang beautifully at the Remembrance Day Service and they have been busy preparing for a performance at the PA Christmas Fair.  They also performed for the rest of the school in Monday’s Assembly.

Miss Moore has been busy directing the music and singing for both the Pre-Prep and Year 3 plays, which were a highlight of last Thursday’s performances. Years 4 and 5 will be performing individually at the Carol Service at Pangbourne Chapel next Wednesday.

Consisting of 53 boys from Years 3, 4 and 5, the Junior Choir has been rehearsing each Friday morning. The choir is un-auditioned, which makes the standard they have achieved in a short while all the more impressive.  With the clear focus for this term on preparing for Christmas, they are looking forward to developing their repertoire in the New Year.


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