Head's Blog: Common Entrance Results & the Year 8 Leavers' Programme
Head's Blog Results

I am delighted to report that all the Year 8 Common Entrance candidates have passed their exams and have gained entry to the senior schools of their choice.  On Thursday afternoon, I gathered the boys around the circular bench overlooking the river to give them this great news – they were then each given an envelope containing their grades, which were opened simultaneously. Overall the boys have achieved a tremendous set of results which is testament both to the hard work they have put in, and the excellent teaching, support and encouragement they have received from the staff.  Well done to all!

The post Common Entrance Year 8 Programme is well under way, and the boys loved their night under the stars at Forest School on Tuesday, although I believe there was limited sleep! We much enjoyed hosting the girls from Cranford at Moulsford on Thursday for a Design and Technology day, and the boys also had an interesting drugs information talk.  Further opportunities for the boys include a languages day, raft building on the river, some First Aid training and participation in an African drumming workshop. To round it all off, they will enjoy a Personal Development Training Course for five days in Devon, which will incorporate sea kayaking, rock climbing, surfing, mountain biking, ringo-ing and paintballing.

Huge thanks go to the staff who put the programme together, and to all those who contribute their time and energy to ensuring the Year 8s have a really fun, varied and educational end to their time at Moulsford.


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