I have been teaching sport since 2007 and have been lucky enough to work at some great schools – Taunton School, Scots College in New Zealand and now Moulsford, having joined in 2013. Although the majority of my playing career has been in Rugby, I have a genuine passion for a lot of sports and am really lucky to be fully involved in Moulsford sport, helping boys reach their sporting potential.
Sport has always been a major part of my life. I was lucky enough to gain a strong start in sport through school and believe that school sport is a hugely powerful tool in moulding young people for their futures. Inspiring boys to reach their potential in sport, no matter what their ability, is what school sport is all about. We hope that during their time at Moulsford they understand the importance of, and show strong traits in, endeavour, humility, team work, resilience and of course enjoyment.