Anti-Bullying Week

One Kind Word

This week has been Anti-Bullying Week with the focus on 'One Kind Word'. The week began with the whole school taking part in Odd Socks Day in order to recognise how we are all different and we are all unique. The Headmaster's assembly on Tuesday followed the theme of celebrating difference and reinforcing the message of Odd Socks Day.

‘Perform for Schools’ came in on Tuesday to run a series of anti-bullying workshops for the Pre-Prep boys. Lizzie our Perform leader was excellent and made the boys think about how they treat others, their likes and dislikes and being inclusive and accepting of all. They had a wonderful time playing games and exploring different ideas.

On Thursday the main school assembly was looking at how one small action (One Kind Word) can have a ripple effect and make a huge difference.

PSHE lessons and other classes have also included anti-bullying discussions and once again the week will be followed up with a Feeling Safe Survey for the boys. 

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