Autumn Term Boarding

Record numbers in the Boarding House

The Boarding House has seen lots of new faces joining the ranks this term, with record numbers in the house for the start of a school year. It is lovely to see a strong representation from Years 6 and 7, as well as Year 8, with our younger boarders settling really well over the course of the first two weeks. The swimming pool has been a popular venue with the warmer weather and this week has also seen the old favourite torch game back to the fore. As ever, the boys have been enjoying the great variety that the Moulsford campus can bring to their evenings, and have even been knuckling down to some very productive prep sessions too!

A cracking start to the year for Moulsford Boarding - well done to all of those involved. For information about boarding at Moulsford, please contact Mr. Noble - [email protected] 

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