Summer Term Activities
Activities Whole School

Something for everyone after school

We are delighted to be able to offer the boys a varied and exciting programme of activities for the Summer Term.  Despite restrictions and the need to keep year groups in their bubbles, the staff have been able to provide lots of opportunities for the boys to learn new skills and have some fun with their friends.

The Pre-Prep have been given the opportunity to participate in Paddlesports, Hama beads, Outdoor sketching, Bug hunting, Playball and Storytelling.

For the Juniors, there is everything from Archery, Science Club, Dance Flashmob, Nature Poetry and Gardening to Croquet, Climbing, Sewing and River sports.

On offer for the Seniors is Photography, Watercolour Painting, Indoor Rowing, Nature Rambles, Campfire Cooking, Touch Rugby, Swimming, River sports and Ultimate Frisbee and lots more. There really is something for everyone.

The weather has been very kind up to now and we hope that this continues and we will have a sunny and fun term ahead.

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