Boarding Update

A new term in the Boarding House

The new term has once again brought a number of new faces to the Boarding House. As well as thirteen boys who are entirely new to boarding, we have also welcomed Miss Ringelberg to the Boarding Staff team. There has already been great variety in our evenings activities with highlights including conker fights, a fire with marshmallow sampling, card games, baking and of course a whole raft of sporting pursuits. We also have our annual tutor group outings to look forward to!

The boys are starting to settle back into the routine with academic commitments too, and with school exams approaching on the horizon, there will be plenty of time and support offered to help the boarders in their preparation.

A trial boarding week is planned for the second half of term (details to be published in due course), and we do still have places to board on Wednesdays and Thursdays, in addition to space for ‘day boarders’. Do feel free to contact Mr Noble – [email protected], for any further information.

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