Henley Half Marathon Success
Charity Boarding

Moulsford runners compete in Henley Half Marathon and 10km races

Several of our Moulsford boys took part in the Henley 10km over half term.  Alex MK (Year 8), Tom L (Year 8) and Oliver P (Year 6) all ran great races with Alex running a personal best.  Alex also raised £335 for school charity Mary’s Meals and his fundraising page is still open at https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/alexmk should you wish to support his efforts.  Well done boys, we are very proud of your efforts!

On the same day, Head of French and Year 5 Form Teacher Chantal Percival took part in the Henley Half Marathon.  It was a beautiful day and the course took the runners up Remenham Church Lane, through Aston and back via the River Thames towpath. They then followed the route along Marlow Road and up the steep hill on Icehouse Lane at Fawley before returning via Middle and Lower Assendon and Fair Mile.

Chantal ran an impressive 1 hour 26 mins finishing first in the ladies category and 12th overall in a field of 680 competitors.  Huge congratulations to Miss Percival!

A piece of newspaper displays news about the Henley Half Marathon

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