Fantastic Fundraising efforts from over 70 Moulsford boys!
It was another brilliant day at the Schools Triathlon at Bradfield College on Sunday 13th May. With over 70 boys from Years 3 to 7 taking part, Moulsford was well represented and all the boys were excellent ambassadors for the school. The boys’ energy and enthusiasm was equalled only by the glorious sunshine, as they completed the swim, cycle and run with the ‘Moulsford Super Dudes’ coming in first place in the Year 3 to 4 category. A special mention must go to Barney R in Year 4 who, having completed the triathlon once, started all over again, as due to illness, another team was one member down. Excellent effort, Barney, well done!
All those taking part were raising money for Restless Development (the organisers) as well as our school charities, Hearing Dogs for Deaf People and George Adamson Wildlife Preservation Trust. Thank you to all those involved for their efforts, your continued support for our school charities is hugely appreciated. Some of the boys have written about their fundraising efforts as well as their thoughts post triathlon……
By Benjy M: To raise money, Hector and I made slime with our brothers and sisters. We mixed glue and water, then bicarbonate of soda, and contact lens solution and did lots of stirring and squishing. Then we added colour and glitter to some and glow in the dark powder and eyeballs to others. We put them in glass jars. We didn't use plastic which is bad for the environment. We decorated the jars with stars and sold it in a little stall outside school. We made £119. It was good fun!
Writing about making the sweets for the Moulsford tuckshop…
By Oliver N: I liked the sound of the popcorn going pop and pop again.
By Russell F: It took ages to make the fudge but it was worth it.
Post triathlon…
By Joshua C: I felt like my ribcage was going to fall out on the run, but I kept going!
By Lachlan M: It feels fantastic after you have completed the triathlon!