Pre-Prep News
Extra Curricular

A splashing start to the new half term!

The boys are the heart and soul of the Pre-Prep; their noise, energy and enthusiasm are at the epicentre of our learning adventure. We had a fantastically productive first half of term and the boys were eager to show and share their work at the Pre-Prep Parents’ Afternoon Tea before the half term break. It was a lovely way to end and sum up our first 30 days together.

Some highlights from the first half of the term included the Bobcats using their faces to show different emotions in Drama lessons. They explored how happiness, excitement, fear and sadness shows on your face.  They then looked at using their whole bodies to evoke emotions; their shadow monsters were really rather scary!

In Year 1 English, we were inspired by the book ‘On Sudden Hill’ where three little boys' imaginations come to life as they play in cardboard boxes.

We are now all looking forward to a very busy and exciting second half of term and are eager to share our learning and achievements with you every step of the way. 

Year 1 had a splashing start to the new half term with their first swimming lesson. What a fun, relaxed and amazing sight to see all the Pumas and Panthers swim with such confidence! They also had great fun working on number bonds while creating a beautiful rainbow.

We hope you enjoy our photos covering these various events, there will be many more to come!


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