Charity News
Charity SMT

Charity Prefects Appointed

We have recently appointed a group of boys to act as Charity Prefects for the academic year 2017/18. Boys who had demonstrated an increasing interest in all things charity over the last year and shown an aptitude for fundraising ideas and events both in and outside of school were selected. In Years 4 to 8, we have appointed one Charity Prefect in each year group and in Year 3, we have appointed three Charity Prefects, one in each form. Their names were announced in assembly this week and they will all receive badges to wear in school.

We have created this role with a view to Charity Prefects becoming integral to how we take Moulsford's support, of both local and international charities, forward. Our school charities this year are Hearing Dogs for Deaf People and The George Adamson Wildlife Preservation Trust (GAWPT) and we also have three more fundraising events this term:

  1. Friday 17th to Friday 24th November – in-school collection of surplus stationary items from every boy in the school, supporting Heart Felt Tips (
  2. Saturday 9th December – Parents Association Christmas Fair – Year 7 & 8 stalls, supporting Barking Mad Dog Rescue (
  3. Monday 11th December – Christmas Jumper Day, in school, supporting Barking Mad Dog Rescue (

Please join us in congratulating the boys on their achievement and we look forward to working together as a team to take the Moulsford charities to the next level.

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