Head's Blog: Arts Week
Head's Blog Art

Education in the broadest sense is central to the Moulsford experience. Arts Week, which has just come to a close, provides a wonderful opportunity for boys to explore the performing and creative arts in greater depth.

Two plays and three concerts have given opportunities for large numbers of boys to be involved in live performances to an audience. Likewise, during the week the boys have been involved in and exposed to declamations, gymnastics displays, theatre workshops, talks and dance.

Perhaps the visual highlight of the week has been the three hundred and sixty-eight canvasses beautifully displayed in the sports hall, each with different interpretations of the natural world. Thank you to the boys for embracing this very special week, and to the staff for ensuring its success. Particular thanks go to Mr. Clements, Miss Roberts, Mr. Edwards, Miss Moore, Miss Smith and Mr. Bissell.


#MPSHeadsBlog #MPSArts

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