Headmaster’s Quiz Night

Fun and games for the parents

With nearly 200 people attending the Headmaster’s Quiz Night on Friday night, and twenty-one table teams participating, the evening was sure to go with a competitive swing. Kicking off with a round on ‘Firsts’, with questions such as ‘Who was the first person to the North Pole?’, and a round on ‘Names’ - ‘Who is Farrokh Bulsara better known as?’, things began to get more serious with the music round, when guitarists had to be identified from a string of classic hits – Jimmy Page, Dave Gilmour… etc. The best round in which to use the Joker card was anyone’s guess, but it certainly helped several teams to get ahead from the start. 

A break in the middle saw not only a fantastic curry feast, provided by the amazing Moulsford catering team, but also some interesting construction attempts using spaghetti and penne pasta, with marshmallows to hold it all together.  Whose was the highest by the end of the break?  Our Year 8 helpers did a great job with their tape measures to identify the tallest pasta building (out of those which had not collapsed at the crucial moment...). 

After more classic quiz rounds, the grand finale was the observation round, with guests highly entertained by Danny McAskill’s Wee Day Out – worth a watch if you haven’t already seen it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_7k3fnxPq0

Many thanks go to the Parents Association for organising such a successful event, as well as the Moulsford staff for all the arrangements from catering to running the bar, to the Year 8s for scoring, and of course the Headmaster for entertaining us with such excellent questions!

Answers to above questions: Robert Peary and Freddie Mercury.

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