Year 8 Post CE Activities

A fun and varied week


The Year 8 boys have had a varied and interesting array of activities organised for them by Miss Roberts.  On Monday they took part in a Drumming workshop with ‘BeatFeet’ – an organisation which believes that “drumming naturally creates a sense of belonging and community”. The boys enjoyed these energetic sessions.  In the afternoon, Peter Hall from ‘Wasted Life’ gave them a drugs information talk.

On Tuesday they were divided into groups to create and film a Bible Vlog with Mr Weeks and on Wednesday they were set a Languages Challenge before a hot, sunny afternoon of cricket matches.

On Thursday the Year 8 boys were joined by fifty Year 8 girls from Cranford House School for a day of team building activities. They designed and made chairs in the DT workshop. They made and fired rockets in a science challenge. They had to light fires and boil an egg over it, as well as compose a song and perform it as part of a group rap battle. Boys, girls and staff all had a great day. The girls got stuck in to each activity and the boys were perfect young gentlemen.


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