Head's Blog: Spread a little kindness
Head's Blog Pastoral

We are in Children’s Mental Health Week, and it is worth taking some time to reflect on the environment in which our children grow up. I consider myself extremely fortunate to have experienced both a home and school life where I was simply allowed to be a child – my parents may have questioned this philosophy as I embarked on my second gap year!

Modern life makes it less easy to achieve an idyllic relaxed childhood for children, although as parents I am sure this is what we all strive for. Securing the foundations for boys’ long-term well-being and resilience is so important. An excellent start to this lies in creating an environment whereby children feel loved and valued, and in encouraging them to do the same for their peers. A very simple message we constantly reinforce to the boys is that meanness generally only has short term gains. However, kindness is transformative. In the words of Henry James: “Three things in human life are important: the first is to be kind; the second is to be kind: and the third is to be kind.”

Have a lovely half term!


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