Real Tennis Tournament at OPS

Prep Schools’ Real Tennis Tournament at The Oratory

Moulsford was represented at the Prep Schools’ Real Tennis Tournament by two couples, Ben Masterson and Ollie Denison-Pender, and Ed Bush and Jake Beardmore-Gray.  After the knockout stages involving A and B pairs for St John’s Beaumont, Caldicott, the Oratory Prep School, Hall Grove and Thorngrove, Ed and Jake made it through to the quarter finals. 

A very exciting and close match against Caldicott ‘A’ led to a Moulsford win (12-11).  However, Ed and Jake were unable to secure victory over OPS in the semi-final, with this pair going on to win the final against Caldicott ‘B’.

The boys had a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon.  Many thanks to The Oratory for the excellent hospitality (particularly the chocolate cake!) and for putting on a really fun competition.

Students playing real tennis, a sport similar to tennis, showcasing their skills and sportsmanship.

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