4S Form Assembly
Talks and Assemblies

A lesson in accountability

4S treated us to a lesson in accountability during our morning assembly on Thursday. They had been learning the importance of accountability during their LFL lessons and thought it was a lesson that the whole school would benefit from. They began by explaining that babies and very young children can’t be held accountable for their actions, choices, behaviour or mistakes but, as we grow older, we should gradually become more accountable. The boys modelled examples of what happens if we don’t feel accountable and what happens when we do. Some of the staff joined in and demonstrated that, if we take ownership of our mistakes, the consequences are better than when we don’t. They also investigated community responsibility and Mrs Symonds showed us a video clip of some secret filming she did. It turned out that Moulsford boys have a strong sense of group accountability as the litter that Mrs Symonds purposely dropped, only remained on the floor for a matter of seconds!

Great work Moulsford and a good lesson for us all.

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